Thursday, February 28, 2013

#13-4–Joe’s Party, Happy hour, Dinner at Maude and Ian’s

February wasn’t just the ‘60s Party,  We also had Joe’s party, which is a day of games and food that the owner of the park puts on for the winter visitors.  This was on the 23rd of Feb.  There was a cake walk, a tournament of LRC game, hula hoop contests and horse races.  I did the cake walk and missed by one square of getting a cake, but one of our friends won a cake and shared.  Below is the horse race.
And they are at the starting gate, Dayle is ready, and has her horses nose down ready to jump from one square to another in hope of winning!

I have a very pretty horse, but not a winner!

After games it was time to eat.  Plenty of food, and lots of folks lined up to partake of a chicken lunch served outside the main clubhouse.
The mode of transportation is either walking or driving a golf cart.  Many are lined up on the street.

John and Barb’s going away “Pot Luck and Happy hour, Feb 27th

After being in the park since Oct, John and Barb are headed back to Ohio so they can see their granddaughter play the lead in a musical at her high school.  Brrrr, it’s going to be cold, so we have a “hot” pot luck dinner during happy hour to send them off.
We didn’t eat much at the going away pot luck, as Ian and Maude had invited us and Dayle and Dave to their RV for dinner that night.  Ian set the table.  Beautiful, and it took up the entire living room.  What a great dinner Maude cooked for us. 

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