Monday, September 27, 2010

10-35 Life guard Station and Port Orford


Monday and Tuesday are our days off. The lighthouse is closed. So on Monday we went to Port Orford to visit the Life Guard Museum. We had to have our lunch first and so went down to the dock by the marina to a little seafood restaurant. Above is the crab that greeted us in the parking lot. Below is the view from the parking lot across from the marina. Lots of rocks, with a calm sea and beautiful clear day.


It is only clear in parts of the coast. Off in the distance in the picture below you can see the fog hanging over the coastline.


After going through the museum, we hiked the trail to Nellie’s Cove where the life boats were kept. If you double click on the left hand half of the information sign it will tell you of the hardships these guys had to endure. Press your back button to go back to the blog.


Below is what is left of the Lifeguard boat house and wall built at Nellie’s cove, and the gorgeous view from the trail walking up to where the lookout tower was located.




Above is the view from the lookout tower base. The tower is gone and we were on the point of land where it used to stand. In the far right of the picture is a bridge on highway 101. I liked the shape of the cloud coming over the top of the mountain on the left hand side of the picture.


Above is a look at the fog hovering over the coastline.

Below is looking straight down. It’s a long way down there!!!


It was a wonderful day for a hike. The wind was slight and the sun was out. We had on our windbreakers and long sleeves, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. The fresh air was wonderful and the trails were well maintained and easy to walk.

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