Sunday, May 10, 2009

#92 Air and Space Museum 5-5-09

On our first trip to Washington DC on our own we mapped out our trip using the Metro Bus and the Metro Rail. So we thought we were set!

We arrived at the park and ride for the bus just at the right time to catch the bus, but the bus didn’t arrive. So we took the written directions we received from the park office and headed to the West Falls Church Metro Rail. We ended up at the East Falls Church Metro with no parking. Thank goodness for the GPS, it took us to West Falls Church Park and Ride, an hour later than we planned. We boarded the train and continued to follow the directions I printed out from the trip planner. What a joke! We ended up getting off the Metro Rail three stops before we should, and then had to find a bus to take us to the Space Museum. But, we made it!

We found the food court, had a bite to eat and Brian showed up just as we were finishing our meal. Perfect timing.


We were greeted at the front door with rockets aimed at space.


In the distance is a replica of the Hubble Telescope. In front of it is the Space Shuttle. The size difference is amazing.

Space Station Sign_3639

The Space Station is one big RV. It has a lot more space inside than we live in on the road.

Space Station_3638

Below is the shower system the space travelers have to use. I think I like our shower better. Of course, we have gravity to help with our showers!

Space Station Shower_3662

Private Space Vehicle Sign_3648

This is really amazing that private enterprise can also build an aircraft that can go to outer space.

Private Space Vehicle_3647

Gossamer Condor sign_3659

I remember when this gossamer Condor human powered plane flew. It was quite a big event.

Gossamer Condor_3656

Write Bro's Flyer sign_3644

This was so much fun to see. The first “Flyer” flown by the Wright Brothers. All the history was in this display. A lot of things I didn’t know. Mainly how the Wright Brothers fought to keep their patent to themselves.

Write Bro's Flyer_3645

The display with Amelia Earhart's airplane was being worked on, but we were able to see it off on the sidelines and read the sign below that told about it.

Amelia Earhart Airplane_3660

We ended the day with Brian who took us to The Hard Rock Cafe on the same block as the Ford Theater where Abraham Lincoln was shot.

Across the street is the house where Lincoln died.

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