Monday, January 10, 2011

#11-1 WAMA Rally & Quick trip to Lancaster, CA


We spent the first week of the year camped at the Indio Elks Lodge, with a quick trip over to Lancaster to see our great grandson and take the old high chair that all the kids have used since Ray was a baby. Eldon seems to be enjoying the high chair and having a good time feeding himself.

The weather had been cold and snowy in the mountains were covered with snow. Here are some pictures of the hills surrounding the Antelope Valley as we returned home.



Then we drove the RV to the Riverside County Fairgrounds for the WAMA Rally. Again we volunteered to help with the signs and worked with Dick Engle. We always have a good time working with the team.

The theme this year for the rally was Western Days, and as you can see above the golf cart parade was all in theme. The different chapters or clubs of the FMCA get together and come up with their entries. We ended up staying three extra days after the rally and finished up our Dr. appointments.

We drove to Quartzsite and stayed 4 days. We parked with the Escapees just east of downtown. Of course, we spent time going through the booths and visited the “big tent” when it opened with all the vendors selling things that were for the RV industry.

The weather was nice, not a lot of wind, and no rain. Then on to Yuma where we will spend the next two months.

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