Sunday, October 11, 2009

#150 Elgin, IL 9-23 thru 10-5-09

After two overnight stops on the way to Elgin from TN, we arrived at the Kane County Forest Preserve. We stayed at the Paul Wolff Campground, the same one we stayed at two years ago. The only thing that changed was the price. Non residents now have to pay $25.00 a night for a space with water and 50 amp electric. We noticed a lot of construction going on and asked the host about it. The campground is adding 50 more spaces. I hope they are more level than the old ones! We ended up moving once in order to find a site we could level the RV.


The campground is well maintained with large grassy sites, some under the trees and some in the sun. The big red barn below belongs to the Preserve and they are going to tear it down! The camp host told us that the main support beams have shifted and it has been deemed as unsafe. We will miss it.


Below is the construction zone. Some big trees that have to be moved from a different part of the Preserve are going to be planted in this area, so it won’t look so bare.


We arrived on a Wed. afternoon. Thursday was Rachael’s day off from school. We knew she had lots of homework, so we didn’t bother her until late afternoon. Todd took off work on Friday and Rachael only has 1/2 day school, so we met her in downtown Chicago. We were able to meet the owner of the school and tour her classrooms. It is a hard working school for performers. Lots of college professors that teach the classes on an almost one on one basis. What a great place to get an education in the performing arts!

After school we went down to the park by Lake Michigan.



The first place we saw was the splash park where the buildings have digital faces that change expressions and spit water. How cool is that. During the summer it is filled with children splashing around and having lots of fun. Today was a school day and not very warm, so not too many children.

Our first glimpse of the concert center.


Funky and modern from the outside and huge on the inside. Very well done and amazing to see. I’m sure the acoustics are state of the art.

Then we went to the “bean” sculpture and played with the camera and the reflections. Check out the reflection of the Chicago skyline. Gorgeous!


Even though we were all in jackets, and it was threatening to rain (what’s new!), the flowers were still blooming and the butterflies were having a wonderful time.


We took a walk on the ramp to the Art Museum. Right across the top of a busy street.


The views were amazing and we even saw the EL train go by. Check out the views with the buildings in the background as we faced back towards the park.


It is a beautiful city. Below is a plaza that during the winter is flooded with water, frozen and used as a skating rink. If you have your own skates, it is free, or you can rent skates and ice skate here. Nice perk!


As we entered the Art Museum there is a free outdoor display of art. We had fun taking pictures and trying out the rock sculptures!


I think Todd could have taken a nap on that granite chaise lounge!

We spent one evening with cousins Rex and Beth Moore. I can hardly believe they will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in Nov. I remember being at my Aunt Daisy’s (Rex’s Mom) for the summer and helping them get ready for their wedding. Where oh where has the time gone. Happy Anniversary, Rex and Beth!

100_5862Rex, Beth, Frank, Dixie 9-29-09

We also spent one evening with Joyce, Lance and Pam, but my pictures didn’t turn out.

On Saturday before we left Elgin we met Shirleen, my cousin, for lunch and had a very nice visit with her. It’s hard to believe we have so many relatives in the Chicago area!

The last night of our visit we had dinner with Todd and Rachael at their home with some friends. It was hard to say good-by. We had such a wonderful visit and felt that we were able to help them with some of their projects.


We are going to head west and south. Maybe we will out distance the rain and cold! I’ve got plenty of rain water to wash my hair and could stand some sunshine!

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