Friday, April 3, 2009

#72 Hilton Head, SC 3-28 thru 3-30-2009

Here we are at Hilton Head, SC.

3-28 thru 3-30-09 Hilton Head, SC 001

Thanks to our new friends Lamont and Georgann, we spent two wonderful days at Hilton Head, SC Outdoor Resorts. While we were setting up the RV, who walks by, but Ron and Janet Strawhacker from the HR Rally in Macon, GA. The first full day we spent with them biking around the bicycle trails. Here we are resting! We took Gidget in the basket on the front of our bike and Ron and Jan took Annie in her basket on the bike. Both dogs loved riding and not having to walk. Do you think maybe they are just a little bit spoiled?

3-28 thru 3-30-09 Hilton Head, SC 004

If you look really close in the picture above hopefully you can make out the alligator. We were on a bridge---far away---from him and he was in the shade. Behind him is the golf course, can you imagine? There is a fence and a railing between us and the gator, but nothing between the golf course and the gator, but a golf cart path!

3-28 thru 3-30-09 Hilton Head, SC 006

After a rest from our bike ride we decided to drive down to the beach and take a walk! Gidget stayed home, but Annie got to go out in her stroller. The wind was really blowing, it was low tide and fun to walk until we had to come back and face the wind! The ocean is way out in back of us. The light colored sand is blowing hard. We picked up sand dollars along the way, a first for us.

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