Wednesday, July 7, 2010

#10-21 Leaving Collier State Park 6-30-2010


Bob and Carol at our last appetizer night at their RV. We were all leaving within the next few days.


Dave and Sheryl were the first to leave. They are heading to Canada to visit and be tourists.


Bonnie and George were the gift shop hosts. We found out on the last day of the month, when they were supposed to leave that their replacements were in an accident on the way to the park. The replacements were OK, but their RV was wrecked. So Bonnie and George stayed an extra weekend at least until the Ranger could find a replacement.


We said good-bye to all our new friends and we all commented on how fast the month went. Above is a “golden mantle squirrel.” Because of the stripe on his/her back you would think it was a chipmunk, but it is bigger than a chipmunk and the stripe stops at the gold color on his head. A chipmunk’s stripe goes all the way to the top of their head. I do learn new things every day!

This golden mantle squirrel likes chips and guacamole. Check out the videos below!

When you view the videos you will see that I am a little shaky with the camera. I could blame it on the cocktails, but it may be age related!

#10-20 Martin Family Reunion and kids, Wimer, OR

Would you believe that I forgot my camera? We met with son, Ray, Nicole and their kids Aubrey and Alex at Crater Lake on Friday. (no pictures) The snow was still there and we had a little snow ball throwing fun. After seeing the lake and playing in the snow we all drove down the mountain to Union creek and had lunch at Becki’s restaurant. The kids left for Wimer, and Frank and I went to Central Point to stay with son Jeff and family.

We met with the all three of the Martin kids, their kids, and our great grandson at Abby’s in Rogue River and had Pizza on Friday night. There were 16 of us!

Frank has decided that a nice day at the swimming pool with his teenage grandsons bringing him ice cold beer was more his kind of day than a day at the ranch with all kinds of Martin’s. So Saturday, Dixie took the car and headed to “the ranch” to spend the day with her kids and grandkids and our great grandson. (As well as a bunch of Martins!)

Thank you Kirsten for loaning me your camera. Now you can see the reasons Dixie spent the day in Wimer.


Four generations! Great Grandma Dixie, Mom-Rachel, Grandma Laurie and baby Eldon.


Eldon and Grandma Laurie. He liked standing in the pool, but didn’t want to be laying in the water.


Ah, just laying back enjoying the RV life.


Aubrey makes friends very easily, Here she is on her first (I think) horseback ride with a new friend!


Another new friend and Aubrey in the wading pool. They have a sprinkler in there with them.


Aubrey and the Hula Hoop. She will try anything once! I get tired just watching her. By the end of the day she was a tired little four year old.


Finally, dinner time. Allie, Rachel’s husband and the father of Eldon, helped grill the ribs. Good job, Allie. They were all very tasty.


This is most of the family. I think there were only three grandkids missing and of course my main man, Frank was lounging by the pool at Jeff’s.

Friday, July 2, 2010

#10-19 Living History Day at Collier State Park 6-20-2010

Today is Father’s day, and our normal day off, but it is the Park’s big day to show off their equipment, so we “worked” during the day.


My first job was to escort JR Beaver around. He can’t see very well and he has really big feet. He hugs the little kids and any adults that are friendly. He found a really friendly adult here!

Above is just one of the steam driven machines that were showing off this day. It took over three hours to get the fire hot enough to generate the steam to run. It was used all day to haul around a hay wagon filled with riders. They did one loop around the center of the grounds. Everyone seemed to have a good time and of course, each time they left the boarding area they had to blow the steam whistle!


This is a portable power driven cross cut saw. It still takes two men to keep it running.


Many of the volunteers brought their horses and carriages and dressed in period costumes.


This is the steam driven shingle saw. They would cut shingles and then brand them with the Collier Park brand.


Frank, Kirsten and Austin with JR Beaver. They came up for a few hours to spend Father’s day with us. We took them through the museum and then up to the RV park for pie and ice cream. But, before we left the museum, Jeff and Austin had to try out the two man cross cut saw.

Video of Jeff and Austin using the two man cross cut saw.


There was entertainment, and the seating was any straw bale you could find!


The Doctor/dentist (sawbones) tells us what the equipment in the Dr. Office/cabin was used for. He is standing by the examining table that was also used as a dentist chair.


Riding around the Pioneer Village in a horse drawn wagon, was just the thing to get everyone into the theme of early logging in the Northwest.

Video of green chain saw mill.


This is not a chipmunk. It is a Golden Mantle Squirrel. The park is full of them and they are a type of digger squirrel. They have a stripe down their back, but it ends at their neck where the golden color of their head starts. This one was eating sunflower seeds on the parking lot as we were closing the museum down for the day.

#10-18 Crater Lake 6-12-10

Our day off we decided to drive the 32 miles from Collier Park to Crater Lake. The North entrance is still closed because of snow drifts. The rim drive is also still blocked by snow.


In 1991 the lodge started a massive rebuild. The 80 year old lodge was crumbling and was unsafe. So we wanted to see what had been done. It looks great from the outside, not a lot of changes in appearance—just sturdier.


Above is the “graffiti snow pile” that we wrote on. At least it is not permanent!


Out on the porch, Frank enjoys the old cane and pole rocker.


He isn’t the only one enjoying the rocker and the beautiful lake.


Inside the lodge they kept the bark planks that cover the walls and the underside of the stairs.


The old fireplace is still there with rocking chairs around it to enjoy the fire.


An old Morris Chair, one of many that grace the lobby of the Crater Lake Lodge. (This is what they are supposed to look like, Rachel! They had springs under the bottom cushion.)


Our car with the snow and pines in the background.


The drifts of snow by the gift shop and restaurant, attracted the kids (and adults) to slide and play.

The views of the Lake from the lodge.


On our way back we stopped to admire the peaks in the background and to read about their history.


Hopefully you can read the information in these pictures. If you double click on the photo it will enlarge it.


An Osprey next on top of a power pole. Very close to the road and right out in the middle of a pasture.

We had a beautiful day with sunshine and warm weather. A nice day off.