Monday, May 4, 2009

#90 Washington, DC 4-30-09


100_35433 Cherry Blossom in DC

The last of the Cherry Blossoms in Washington, DC. Above and below pictures.

Cherry Blossoms 3473

We missed the Cherry blossoms in Washington by about a week. But the first picture on this page is a Cherry Blossom on a tree in Fredericksburg that was still blooming. The blossoms are just beautiful.

Iwo Jima Memorial 3437

We met Brian Allard, Frank’s nephew, and he was our driver and guide all day. This was our first stop and so inspiring. Brian was/is a Marine.

Air Force Memorial 3444

Our Next stop was the Air Force Memorial. It is the missing man formation made as a sculpture. It’s setting is high on a hill and commands a beautiful view of the city below.

Lincoln Memorial 3476

The Lincoln Memorial. What a awesome sight. So many visitors to such an historic beautiful building.

I had never heard anything about The Korean War Memorial. It is so inspirational and amazing. Each one of these men are looking a different direction, watching over us and keeping our country safe.

Korean War Memorial 3465

Korean War Memorial 3470

Not only are the faces and pictures of soldiers etched into the memorial wall, but because it is reflective you can also see the reflections of the men advancing through the field in the first picture. It is indescribable.

Korean War Memorial 3466

Korean War Memorial 3468

Korean War Memorial 3469

Vietnam Memorial 3491

Everyone knows about the Viet Nam Wall, but did you know that there is a sculpture depicting the soldiers? And there is a sculpture honoring the U.S. women who served in the Viet Nam war. (picture below)

Women's Vietnam Memorial 3496

Washington Monument 3499

The Washington Memorial! This landmark can be seen from many places, no building in DC can be built taller than this Memorial. The sun came out this afternoon and made a perfect picture in the reflecting pool.

WWII Memorial 524

The World War II Memorial. I didn’t know about this. Each state was represented by a column with a wreath on it. Each soldier that was lost in the war is represented by a gold star on a long curving wall. Both the Atlantic and Pacific are represented by and arch with a wreath and rifle sculpture hanging inside. All of this surrounds a water feature with two fountains at each end and water spouts entering from the edge. On the walk down to the water there are sculptures in the retaining wall.

Jefferson Memorial3503

The Jefferson Memorial. A beautiful building honoring an amazing man.

Pentagon 9-11 Memorial 3456

None of our information packets informed us that there was a 9-11 memorial for the Pentagon crash. Thank you, Brian for taking us to see this. We were unable to take a picture of the Pentagon, but we could take all the pictures we want at the memorial. Each name is on one of the flying sculptures. They are arranged in lines by date of birth. They face the way they died. If they face away from the pentagon, they were killed in the building. If they face towards the building they were on the airplane.

All day we had little rain showers, or clouds and then some sunshine. During one of the times when the sun was peeking through the clouds I was able to take a picture of one of the many airplanes that were landing and taking off all day. I think it is a pretty cool picture!


Below is also a picture I was able to get of one of the helicopters—could it have been Mr. President?

Taken from Air Force Memorial 3449

After a very full day of sightseeing with Brian, we met his wife, Iris and daughters, Rene and Yvonne for a wonderful dinner at a great Chinese restaurant, then went home to our little Gidget, who was very happy to see us. A very full and wonderful day in our Nation’s Capitol.

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